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展会资讯-三联机械亮相2023年国际混凝土展ICCX EURASIA

三联机械 2024-01-04 10:24:41

Exhibition Information - Sanlian Machinery Appears at the 2023 International Concrete Exhibition ICCX EURASIA


2023年12 月 6日-7 日,2023年哈萨克斯坦混凝土展览会(ICCX EURASIA) 于哈萨克最大的城市阿拉木图展览中心盛大召开!

The 2023 Kazakhstan Concrete Exhibition (ICCX EURASIA)  held grandly at the Almaty Exhibition Center, the largest city in Kazakhstan, from December 6th to 7th, 2023!



Exhibition site


ICCX EURASIA作为哈萨克斯坦及中亚地区规模较大、影响力范围广的混凝土及工程机械类展览会,吸引了众多客商到此云集。三联机械作为砖机行业的先驱,与各行各业的翘楚一起相聚阿拉木图,向哈萨克及周边国家的客商展示了中国制造的雄厚实力。

ICCX EURASIA, as a large-scale and influential concrete and construction machinery exhibition in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, has attracted numerous merchants to come here. As a pioneer in the block machine industry, Sanlian Machinery gathered in Almaty with leaders from various industries to showcase the strong strength of Chinese manufacturing to customers in Kazakhstan and surrounding countries.



Win win cooperation


Kazakhstan is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent and is the world's largest landlocked country. Rich in natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals, it is a must pass for the ancient Silk Road and the first place to jointly build the "the Belt and Road". China is one of Kazakhstan's main trade and investment partners. As one of the earliest block machine manufacturers in China, Sanlian Machinery is willing to exchange technology for market, leverage our professional advantages in the field of solid waste resource utilization, and assist in the dual development of construction and environmental protection in Kazakhstan and surrounding countries.


Sanlian Machinery's regular customer J also met again at the booth. J launched a set of SLST1000 fully automatic servo wall and floor block production line equipment in 2020, mainly producing hollow blocks and pavers. The products have gained market recognition and are now preparing to start another production line to increase production capacity and enrich product categories. The business manager presented J with the new equipment and technology of Sanlian and confirmed further cooperation intentions.


Sanlian high-end servo wall and floor block production equipment has gradually established a foothold in the market in recent years, and has been recognized and appreciated by customers, providing efficient solutions for solid waste resource utilization and industrial solid waste resource integration. The company is always committed to the development of global environmental protection and looks forward to further cooperation with you in the future.

标签: 三联机械
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